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Writer's pictureAmelia Thelin

First week back! Here's what you need to know!

Dear Spectrum Elementary Families,

Happy 1st week of school!! I hope your students have enjoyed meeting their new teachers and classmates. Now that we are starting to get into the swing of things, I have several items to share with you:

  • We have several openings at Spectrum. Paraprofessionals and Subs are needed. If you or anyone you know are interested, please have them send me their resume.

  • We have lots of opportunities to volunteer at the school. If you are interested please click this link: BE A VOLUNTEER!!!

  • Our awesome PTO is looking for help! See your email for the flyer.

  • Carpool route:

    • Our carpool route is set by the NSLPD. (See map in your email.) In order to keep everyone safe, and allow emergency vehicles the access they may need, please DO NOT use the roundabout for morning or afternoon carpool. You must enter the carpool lane by turning left from Cutler Dr. You can access Cutler Dr. by turning on Center St., Robinson Dr., or Cambridge Dr. If you come through the roundabout you may receive a citation from the NSLPD.

    • Please keep the crosswalks in front of the building from the parking lot clear.

    • The carpool lane is also a fire lane, and as such, is subject to fire lane ordinances. Please DO NOT park in the carpool lane. It bogs down carpool and makes it take longer, and increases safety risk to your children and our staff. If you need to come into the building, you may park in the church parking lot west of the school.

  • Please be very cautious when approaching crosswalks surrounding the school. We do not want anyone injured, and there are otten students and staff crossing throughout the day, especially around carpool time.

  • If you are interested in your child’s ABA therapist coming to work with them during school hours, please see the new Outside provider request procedures.

  • If you are checking a student in late or out early, please scan the QR code on the front doors or use this link from your smartphone: Student Check In/Out (hint: Save it in your favorites and you won’t even need to get out of your car!) then send your child in the front doors (check in) or call the office (801-936-0318 Opt. 1) to have your student escorted to your car. Please have your ID ready (check out).

We are so excited for this school year, and look forward to welcoming our kindergarten classes on Monday! Thank you for all your support thus far. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Susan Gould, MEDL, SSW

Principal, Elementary School

(801)936-0318 ext.1003

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