We had a successful back to school night, where many families were able to meet their parents and related servers. It has been wonderful to watch our students interact with their peers and staff within the classrooms and settle into the routines of a new school year as they build rapport. It's also very rewarding as we see our students use their assistive technology to be able to express themselves, and when we find a new way to help regulate that works well for a student or students like this makeshift drum. We're starting the year strong in our transition curriculum which varies for students ages 14-22, following recipes in the mock apartment, working on functional math, and working on independent and community living skills in the home (like packing your own lunch!) We have also been really blessed with donorschoose donations for our high school students in the mental health category with a match opportunity in August. Ms. Kathleen's class was able to receive lego sets that have helped boost social interaction and independent following visual/written direction within her classroom.
