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Speech Therapy

Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP’s) prevent, assess, diagnose and treat a variety of communication disorders. SLP’s address speech sounds, language disorders, social communication disorders, cognitive disorders (executive function, planning, problem solving, etc.), and feeding and swallowing disorders. In a school setting, SLP’s promote language use and communication skills that allow students to access their educational programs.  Spectrum Academy’s Speech Team includes Speech-Language Pathologists and Speech-Language Technicians.


At Spectrum Academy, SLP’s provide services on an individual basis, through in-class and out of class groups, through consultation and environmental modifications, and through the provision of Alternative and Augmentative Communication devices.  Our SLP’s frequently push into classrooms and other educational settings to model strategies and provide intervention in a student’s natural environment.  


Our SLP’s are part of a strong interdisciplinary team that strives to provide evidence-based services utilizing the most efficient and effective methods.  SLP’s are involved in training staff, modifying curriculum and environments, and program development. They are valued and respected members of an educational team that is encouraged to develop a creative, forward-thinking approach to student progress.  

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