Essential Pieces for Every Learner
The Spectrum Academy Standard
Smaller class sizes, differentiated instruction, in-house Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Behavior Specialists, and Mental Health staff. Teacher and Paraprofessional in every classroom. Social Skills curriculum built into every student's schedule, and the expertise to recognize and implement accommodations for the unique needs of each of our students.
Social Skills Curriculum
Social Skills classes are designed to help our students develop skills to aid them in their relationships with their families, friends and in their communities. In Kindergarten they learn the basics like “What does this face mean? (emotion)”, Elementary progresses with “If you get lost in a store…”, “How to make a friend…”, etc.. In Middle School students learn about employment, resumes, interviews, hygiene, eating out, etc.. High School is built around transition planning (parents involved) where they are learning life skills, employment skills and helping to create a plan for their future goals; college, technical training, employment, etc.
Unique Environment
Class sizes range between 12-16 depending on grade level. We strive to keep our classrooms simplistic and find ways to draw the focus to the front of the room. Important information is posted at the front of the room such as school rules, daily schedule, level system, etc. Each teacher will group or change tables for the needs of their classes.
Sensory Accommodations
Each classroom has a designated break area that students can use with weighted blankets, and/or noise cancelling headphones. Most rooms have alternative lighting to reduce the mental disruption that can come from fluorescent lights. We also have an entire classroom dedicated to helping students regulate. Our OT room will meet the needs of your student no matter what their regulation needs may be.
Related Services
Services are determined by the IEP team annually and will include a designated amount of therapy minutes per month. Services can also be provided via a 504 plan or through the Response to Intervention (RTI) process. Services may be provided as “push-in” or “pull out” services.
Push-in services: The practitioner or specialist works in the classroom with the student(s) individually or in groups to provide related services, and differentiated and supportive instruction while promoting inclusive education.
Pull-out services: Student(s) are taken out of the general education classroom and services are provided in another setting like the OT room or Speech therapy office.
Research shows that “push-in” services help students to better generalize skills in the classroom and progress towards goals faster.
The advantages of push-in services include:
Better generalization of skills when they are practiced in the general education setting with peers
Fewer transitions during the day or changes in routines which can be disruptive
Students miss less instructional time when they are not pulled out of class
The general education classroom is the Least Restrictive Environment
Specialists are able to model intervention strategies for the classroom staff, who then carry those interventions over across the student’s entire school day
Spectrum Academy’s unique environmental setup and programming, including smaller class sizes, full-time onsite therapists, and therapists’ collaborative relationships with teachers, allow “push-in services” to be the norm instead of the exception.
Each building has an Occupational Therapy room, including sensory and suspension equipment, for evaluations and treatment sessions and a quiet sensory room to meet the sensory needs of all students. Classroom staff and paraprofessionals are trained by OT staff to safely use equipment to facilitate sensory diets, sensory breaks, and self-regulation strategies to meet a child's specific needs.
Speech Therapists have individual offices that are quiet environments to facilitate small group and individual therapy sessions addressing skills that need to be pre-taught before they can be generalized to the classroom.
Spectrum Academy has a variety of related services onsite, including:
Speech Therapists
Occupational Therapists
Mental Health Specialists
Adapted PE Specialists
Behavior Specialists
School Psychologists
Assistive Technology
Spectrum Academy has many assistive technology resources that are utilized daily in classrooms to accommodate individual students needs; for example, it is not uncommon to see students using noise-canceling headphones, wi-fi headphones for white noise or calming music, adaptive seating (wobble stool, therapy ball) for movement needs, slant boards, pencil grips, chrome extensions on computers, speech to text, or text to speech software and other individualized adaptations and accommodations as needed.
Spectrum Academy Related Services Providers also provide whole classroom instruction in the Elementary general education classes at least once a month to promote child find of students that may require services and for RTI interventions and collaboration with teachers.
Student & Staff Conduct
Appropriate behavior in public settings is a requirement of life for members of any society. Public charter schools are instruments of society and, therefore, the community that supports a public charter school district has the right to expect school officials to maintain a safe and secure environment and to ensure that students, school personnel, and visitors to a school campus (including online) conduct themselves in an orderly, courteous, dignified, and respectful manner. Spectrum Academy has implemented Positive Behavioral Supports throughout the school to reinforce the social skills they are being taught.
Behavioral Supports
Spectrum Academy behavior supports include visual schedules, a level-up system to reinforce expected school behavior, and token economy systems. When students engage in behavior that is above and beyond for them, they are recognized for that behavior by receiving a Principals Club ticket to be entered into a drawing. Students are also taught social skills as part of their daily curriculum. Students are permitted to take breaks when needed, preferably in their classrooms, but they also take breaks in the hall, OT rooms, with their paraprofessionals, or other areas of the school. Additional support is given for students who often struggle with behavior. Small group instruction is given to assist the learning of specific social/behavioral skills that they may be missing. For students who consistently struggle with behavior, our Behavior Specialists create Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) by doing a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) to understand the function of the students’ behavior and know what interventions will help the student learn the skills they need to get what they need in a socially appropriate way. We have a Student Support Team that can assist teachers or paraprofessionals if the student becomes too escalated to maintain a learning environment in the classroom. The Student Support Team is there to help the student calm down and return to a place where learning can begin again. If ever a student becomes a danger to themselves or others, they are taken to a safe space until they are able to return to safety. This is always a last resort, and all state guidelines and laws are followed to ensure safety and the best possible outcome for the student. We love our students and strive to teach them the behavioral and social skills that will help them be as successful as they can be as members of the school and community.
Medical Support
We have nursing staff at each campus who will set up a healthcare plan, administer medications and work with you individually about your students’ needs.