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A few reminders...

Hello SAHS Students and Families!

We hope that your student has had a fantastic first day back at school. Here are a few quick reminders and heads up that we would like to share with you to transition back into learning this school year smoothly.

If you have a student attending the DTC this year, they need to be at the high school front doors by 7:00 am. The bus will leave promptly at 7:10 am. Would you mind ensuring that your student is on time and dressed for the weather since they will be waiting outside. The bus driver will pick those students up who plan to return to the high school at 11:00 am, so they need to be at the designated area no later than 11:10 am.

Due to the influx of COVID-19 and its variant concerns, we are considered a closed campus to the public. Therefore, all visitors to this building will need to seek Administrator approval before their visit; this includes updated written consents for outside providers such as RBTs and ABA therapists. Parents who wish to meet with the Administration must call the Front Office to schedule an appointment. No drop-ins will be allowed even for Parents. Parents are allowed to come to the front office ONLY, but nowhere else in the building. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but the welfare of everyone is our top priority.

If you need to excuse your student for whatever reason, please do not send any excusals to teachers. Teachers are not allowed to excuse any students from school; only the front office can do that. You need to either fill out the online excusal form on the main Spectrum Academy website, or you need to send all excusals directly to Holly Van Wagoner

As a reminder, the front doors open for students in the morning promptly at 8:15 am. No students are allowed in the building earlier than that. Students need to dress for the weather because they will be waiting outside. When students come into the building in the morning, they cannot go anywhere except the gym for breakfast and wait for school to start. The reason for this is to enable staff to prepare items for the day.

Only Juniors and Seniors with signed permission slips are allowed to go off campus for lunch. Students are not allowed to bring food back for their friends, or they risk losing the privilege to go. Also, please remind your students that we are a closed campus and that ordering door dash is strictly against school policy.

And lastly, if you have any troubles with your student's schedule or need to make any changes, please address all concerns in an email to our high school counselor Ashley Rigby, and she'll get back to you right away.

Thank you for your continued support!

Go Arctic Wolves!

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