What should parents do in Aspire SIS?
Look-up Student Grades & Attendance
Update Student Contact Information when changes occur
Pay Student Fees and Breakfast/Lunches
How to Set Up Your Account:
Go to https://spectrum.usoe-dcs.org/Login.aspx2. Click “Request a Username”, Enter your student’s ID and birthdate to look up your account. Create a username and password.
Be sure to log out!
Forgot Username or Password
My contact already has an account, but it's not me
I have missing or extra students
I don't know a contact listed for my student
I can't edit my student
How to Pay for Student Fees and Breakfast/Lunches in Aspire
Student Balance:
1. Student outstanding balance: Class charges will automatically upload to an Aspire account based off student’s term schedules.
2. Outstanding balance will include classes, rollover fees brought in from compass, and extracurriculars. Click on the “Fees” tab header on the right side of the home screen to look at detail. To see line-item charges, you can click on each fee’s header to expand a category (shown below).

Payment Pages:
1. Under the “Fees” tab, click “Make a Payment” (pictured right). This link will open to a list of pages for each of the individual schools.
2. Dues are specific to each school, so please ensure you are going to the correct page. Based off your student’s schedule, you can then select their classes. Once payment is processed, please allow 3-5 business days for the credit to reflect in your Aspire account.
Each student must be paid for separately to ensure a student number is tied to the payment.
Lunch and fees must also be paid for separately as they are different accounts in your students’ portal.
If you pay for a class your student is not taking, the amount will go on to your account as a credit that can be used in the future.
Parent Capabilities in Aspire:
Use student summary to look up grades and attendance.
Update student/parent contact information.
Contact your student’s teachers.
Pay for student lunch and fees.
Press “Make a Payment” under “Fees” in Aspire to get to the payment page. Click your school’s link.
If you do not already have an account, please create one.
Lunch balances are updated daily in Aspire.