To meet the unique needs of our student population and to satisfy the requirements of the Common Core State Standards and the Utah State Core Curriculum, Spectrum Academy employs a differentiated instruction method on grade-level core subjects. Each of our students is assessed in the areas of reading and math prior to the first day of classes in order for the student to be assigned to classes that are on their academic performance level. Other factors that are considered when determining these leveled placements include age, grade, developmental level, social needs, class size, and appropriate student - teacher match.
By utilizing a differentiated instruction method, or leveled placement, a student who may be by age in seventh grade, but is performing on a fifth grade level in reading, will receive reading instruction presented on a fifth grade learning level with tailored instruction to expose them to grade-level content using the Essential Elements. The target goal for students who perform below grade level is to increase their performance levels so that they may near grade-level. Additionally, a student who may be by age in seventh grade but is performing on a tenth grade level in math is placed in a class commensurate with his academic abilities.