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Occupational Therapy & Sensory Integration

Occupational therapy (OT) involves facilitating participation in an individual’s preferred occupations (meaning, activities).  OT’s provide expertise in improving, developing, or restoring function, particularly related to seating/positioning modifications, handwriting, motor skills, sensory processing skills, organizing self and materials, self-care skills, and safety for students. School-based OT’s promote motor and sensory development and promote the student’s participation in everyday routines and activities that are part of the educational program.  Spectrum Academy’s Occupational Therapy Team includes licensed Occupational Therapists and Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants.


At Spectrum Academy, OT’s promote functional participation through an eclectic therapeutic approach.  All students receive instruction through classroom-based groups, which address such skills as self-regulation, handwriting, and social skills.  When OT is a part of a student’s educational program (IEP) he or she may also receive services through consultation or environmental modifications, direct services inside the classroom, and/or through individual or small-group intervention outside the classroom.


Spectrum Academy’s OT’s collaborate with other professionals (teachers, speech-language pathologists, counselors, behavior specialists, etc.) to provide evidence-based services and to develop research supported programs. Our staff are encouraged to adopt a creative, forward-thinking approach in order to develop individual and school-wide programs that promote progress.


Spectrum Academy’s OT’s also provide ground breaking sensory interventions.  Spectrum Academy’s mission is to meet the sensory needs of all of our students, and this is done in a variety of ways.  We have suspended equipment and calming sensory rooms in each building that are accessible to all of our students on a daily basis.  Sensory equipment is available to all classrooms and to all students, regardless of developmental level.  All of our classrooms teach self-regulation on a daily basis using the Zones of Regulation curriculum.

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